Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Next Base

Today i had an idea: a way to advance baseball to the next level, or we could say to the next base. It occurred to me, as i saw Pedro Martinez bunting, that he is, for all intents and purposes, considered an out in the lineup. Of course, they use him to advance the runner in some way, but still he is an assumed out.

Growing up playing little league baseball, the best players were always the pitchers. They could throw harder and bat better than everyone else, and when they weren't pitching they were playing shortstop. Now i assume this is the group of players who grow up and are graded down to whoever is actually good enough to play in the pro's. So what happened to those of that group that picked pitching as their forte? Why can't pro pitchers bat for beans? If an age of baseball comes where the pitcher is just as much an offensive threat as the 3rd baseman, that would be a sight to see. Then i could say to my kids or grandkids: "i remember back in the day when the pitcher couldn't bat to save his life, and the coach didn't mind."

Now there is one pitcher i remember being decent at batting. He goes by the name of Dontrelle Willis. His problem was that after he was traded to Detroit, he lost his ability to pitch, and was sent to the minors.

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